There are more than 4,000 Software and 2,500 Hardware Modules to consider for the implementation of a Virtual Coworker

The benefits of comprehensive compositions with many AI modules into one Technological Intelligence are enormous. Nevertheless, this is demanding cutting-edge technology and it does not stop with software. Nearly equally hardware parts are needed to be assembled into one complete base system for the training and inference of Virtual Coworkers. The more powerful a General Intelligence shall be the more complex the system will evolve.

NOVARION has completed its quest, which began in January 2004, with the implementation of one of the worlds largest built-to-order programs in the IT industry. After years of co-development with our research & industrial partners, such as the University of Stuttgart, the KNOW Center in Graz or NVIDIA and QMware, we have introduced the first Heterogeneous Processing Platform capable of future-proof, downwards compatible In-Memory High-Performance Computing which is supported by a worldwide patent. Details can be found here:

Important: Investment Security

The implementation of this memory Centric Heterogeneous Computing Architecture is manifest within the industry standard CUDA-X framework to natively support the whole NVIDIA AI Enterprise stack. This ensures 100% compatibility with the AI market leaders computing environment and the immediate benefit of new developments in this extremely fast-moving field of technologies. This guarantees our customers Investment Security, while we are able to introduce the latest technologies at a fast pace.

The full stack to implement a Virtual Coworker from NOVARION is integrated in a single Heterogeneous Processing Platform node which scales vertically via Application programming Interfaces (API) and horizontally via Data processing Units (DPU). Thus, the meaningful usage of NOVARION’s full stack TI Solution starts with a single node and seamlessly scales with demand up to whole data centers.

Important: Compliance

A Virtual Coworker or TI must be secure. Of course, since such a system is not purely an automation anymore but makes its won reasoning which cannot be fully determined beforehand, we have to implement so-called guard rails in the very same way as we do this with Human Coworkers. Company ethics, individual regulations and integrity have to be thought end-to-end. This is the first time an IT department is not anymore only responsible for data storage security but also for data usage safety. Fortunately, the very same technology of Virtual Coworkers which adds not only tremendous features but also significant risks to the enterprise’s operations can be effectively used to mitigate the inherent threats from inside and outside the organization! In this manner, an overall positive impact for safety and security throughout the whole organization can be achieved with the proper integration of Virtual Coworkers.

You want to know how you might benefit from a Virtual Coworker?

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