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4. IT- Security- Day, IHK Erfurt

5. September 2024 @ 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm UTC+0

Equipped for the future: recommendations for action and solutions

On 5 September 2024, the IT Security Day will take place at the Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce under the motto “Prepared for the future: recommendations for action and solutions”. This event is one of the largest of its kind in Thuringia in the field of IT security and is the ideal opportunity for small and medium-sized companies to find out about current threats and practical protective measures. The event is organised by the Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Thuringia State Office of Criminal Investigation, ITnet e.V., the Mittelstand Digital-Zentrum Ilmenau and ThEx Wirtschaft 4.0.

Why should you take part in IT Security Day?

Over 134,000 cybercrime offences were registered in Germany in 2023 [source: Bundeslagebild Cybercrime]. Small and medium-sized companies are particularly at risk as they often do not have comprehensive security measures in place. Any unsecured vulnerability can lead to significant financial losses, image damage and data leaks. In addition, cyber attacks are becoming increasingly sophisticated and diverse. It’s high time to arm yourself for the future!
  • Practical expert presentations and discussions
    Find out from leading IT security experts from the region how you should protect your company data. Take the opportunity to take part in discussions at themed tables, ask your questions and discuss practical solutions.
  • Measures that can be implemented immediately
    Get to know strategies and tools that you can use directly in your company. We will provide you with specific recommendations for action and valuable tips to help you counter cyber threats effectively.
  • Networking and exchange of experience
    Together we are stronger: In Thuringia, we benefit from a network of players in which everyone knows everyone else. Take the opportunity to exchange ideas with other entrepreneurs and find support. You are not alone with your challenges!

A practical insight for small and medium-sized enterprises

Since 2020, we have been committed to sensitising Thuringian companies to responsible behaviour in the cyber space with our IT Security Day. We cover both basic and very specific topics in order to reach everyone with our programme. A strong SME sector is crucial to meeting the challenges of our time.

Overview of topics for the 4th IT Security Day

At the IT Security Day, you can expect exciting discussions at themed tables. Prevention, legal framework conditions and sustainable security solutions will be presented and discussed in 30-minute sessions. When registering, you can choose the three topics that best suit your interests.
  1. Setting up an IT security management system: A practical report with Oliver Bärwolff, TecArt GmbH
  2. Essential hardware tools for IT security with Ralf Auer, CODA Computer und Programme GmbH
  3. Cyber security in small and micro enterprises – cyber security check according to DIN SPEC 27076 with Volker Fett, cyber security transfer centre for SMEs
  4. First IT Security Act 2.0 – now NIS 2: Am I affected, what do I have to do? with Tim Staupendahl, rechTEC Rechtsanwälte
  5. Cyber insurance: That’s what matters! with Sönke Glanz, HDI Versicherung AG
  6. Implementation of chatbots and AI tools from a legal perspective: primarily from a data protection perspective with Christoph Möx, Bette Westenberger Brink Rechtsanwälte
  7. Cybercrime: Threats and trends with Heiko Schmidt, Vice President of the Thuringian State Office of Criminal Investigation
  8. When machines become enemies – external control by hackers! Justus Rein, SME Digital Centre Darmstadt/ TU Darmstadt
  9. Outsourcing as a way out of the regulations? – This is what matters when looking for an IT service provider! with Marco Gräf, AK ITnet Thüringen e.V.
  10. Crisis communication in the event of an accident with Tino Möller, FUTUREDAT GmbH


  • 15:00: Opening and welcome with Dr Cornelia Haase-Lerch, Managing Director of IHK Erfurt and Heiko Kahl, Chairman of the Board of ITnet Thüringen e.V.
  • 15:10: Keynote speech “Gamechanger quantum computing: potential and applications for companies” by Georg Gesek, CTO of quantum computing pioneer QMware AG
  • 15.40:Keynote speech “Cyber Agency – focusing on the cyber-resilient society” by Dr Nicole Selzer, Head of Unit at the Agency for Innovation in Cybersecurity
  • 16:10: Break
  • 16:20: Session 1 (individual choice of topic)
  • 16:50: Session 2 (individual choice of topic)
  • 17:20: Session 3 (individual choice of topic)
  • 17:50: Follow-up of the individual topic tables and outlook
  • 18:00: Networking and snacks

Organiser of the IT Security Day 2024

Through regular dialogue with companies and network partners, we know the current challenges and needs when it comes to IT security. Our common goal is to provide practical solutions and valuable information in order to sustainably strengthen IT security in Thuringia. The event is organised by the Erfurt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Thuringia State Office of Criminal Investigation, ITnet e.V., the Mittelstand Digital-Zentrum Ilmenau and ThEx Wirtschaft 4.0.


IHK Erfurt


IHK Erfurt
Arnstädter Str. 34
Erfurt, Thuringia 99096 Germany
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