On November 28, 2019, SingularityU Vienna Chapter invited you to take a closer look at arguably one of the most enigmatic technologies, Quantum Computing, with a multidisciplinary roundup of speakers from academia, art, and industry.
The location was Talent Garden Vienna’s event space for “Explorers and Innovators.”
After Google recently announced its “Quantum Supremacy”, a hype seems to break out in the field of Quantum Computing. Quantum Supremacy means that a quantum computer achieves a computing power that exceeds that which could ever be achieved with any kind of classical computer. Google talks about solving a theoretical computational problem 1.5 trillion times faster with its “Sycamore” than with any supercomputer.
Whether this means that quantum computing is actually suitable for useful problem solutions, apart from theoretical tests, remains to be proven.
So far, quantum computers of today’s generation are error-prone and achieve performances in the range of ten times Qbits. To create an error-free “general purpose” quantum computer, thousands if not millions of times Qbit performance would have to be achieved. Perhaps, however, less perfect intermediate levels already have relevance for certain fields of application.
Google, IBM and Intel have been investing significant sums in this technology for years. In 2017 and 2018, more than $450 million was also pumped into the field, primarily in VC funds.
How can quantum computing be made tangible or even physically and visually experienced? What are the hopes of the industry? What can be expected from “Cambridge Quantum Computing”, which was featured this year at Singularity University’s Global Summit?
The salon was held in German and English.
Dennis Pregesbauer, Community Manager of the SingularityU Vienna Chapter.
Martin Bodocky, General Partner Nation1, CEO Mint AI
Prof. Rupert URSIN – Senior Group Leader IQOQI, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Robert Kastner – Head of Candeed Cue, participant of Ars Electronica 2019
Georg Gesek – CEO Novarion Systems
Presentation of the QC Simulator – Georg Gesek