The six-part event series of WOLF-THEISS: “The Future of..” invited to the event “The Future of Computing” on April 23. The event series dealt with legal issues of new technologies in the areas of investing, mobility, communications, computing, government and healthcare.
Speakers from startups, established companies, regulatory authorities, universities and from the law firm WOLF THEISS Rechtsanwälte gave short and exciting keynote speeches.
What is Deception and how does it catch hackers?
Avi Kravitz • Co-Founder and CTO of Cybertrap Software
What are the legal rules for cloud computing?
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Forgó • Institute for Innovation and Digitalization in Law
Can Big Data cause problems with abuse of market power?
Attorney Dr. Günter Bauer, LL.M. • Partner at WOLF THEISS
Are works of art created by AI legally protected?
RA Mag. Paulina Pomorski, LL.M. LL.M. • Senior Associate at WOLF THEISS
“IoT powered by Blockchain” – what does that mean?
Dr. Thomas Fürstner • Founder and CTO of RIDDLE & CODE.
What legal issues arise in connection with app stores?
Zeno Grabmayr, BSc • Senior Associate at WOLF THEISS, Attorney at Law
What is actually the relationship between data protection law and decentralized blockchains?
Mag. Martin Tauber, LL.M. • Consultant at WOLF THEISS
What consequences should I expect as a participant in a bot net?
Mag. Patrick Mittlböck • Associate at WOLF THEISS
What are APIs and what is their significance for banking?
Dr. Christian Wolf • Head of Group Transformation at Raiffeisen Bank International
Is cryptojacking illegal in Austria or can I use it to finance my website?
RA Mag. Nikolaus Loudon • Senior Associate at WOLF THEISS
When do computer games qualify as illegal gambling?
Michael Kienzl • Senior Associate at WOLF THEISS
Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures – How does the European NIS Directive help?
Hans de Jong • Chief Information Security Officer at IAEA (requested)
What legal questions arise in the context of “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD)?
Lawyer Isabel Firneis • Senior Associate at WOLF THEISS
What will all become obsolete when the quantum computer arrives?
Georg Gesek • CEO of NOVARION Systems
RA/StB MMag. Dr. Niklas Schmidt • Partner at WOLF THEISS
RA Mag. Leopold Höher • Partner at WOLF THEISS